School Day
Please do not leave your children outside in the morning without supervision
Doors open: 7:45 am
Hours: 8:00 am - 2:20 pm
Morning Arrival
Parents must wait for a staff member to open the doors
Doors will open for all students starting at 7:45 am
Parents who drive their students:
Please remain in your vehicle.
Vehicles cannot be parked and left unattended as this creates a serious safety hazard.
Staff members, wearing yellow vests, will assist in helping get students out of the passenger side of the cars.
Upon entering the building:
Students will be directed into the auditorium
This is their opportunity to grab breakfast, if they haven't already eaten at home
Students will sit/eat in the auditorium with their class until 8:00 am
At 8:00 am classes will be dismissed from the auditorium to walk to their classrooms and begin their day.
There is a 5 minute grace period for student arrival, however starting at 8:05 am until 8:15 am students must be signed in by the security desk.
Students arriving in their classrooms after 8:05 will be marked “late" on attendance
Students arriving after 8:15 are required to be accompanied to and signed in at the main office
For quick reference
7:05 am |
Doors open for students enrolled in early morning programs only
If you're interested in this program please fill out this form
7:30 am |
Doors will close for early morning programs |
7:45 am |
A Staff member will open school doors for all students |
8:00 am |
School day officially starts
8:05 am |
Students arriving to their classrooms after this time will be marked late |
8:05 - 8:15 am |
Students arriving during this time must be signed in at security desk |
8:15 am or later |
Students arriving at this time must be accompanied to and signed in at the main office |
Early Pick Up
Parents are allowed to pick up a child prior to regular dismissal time for illness, injuries, or other obligations that cannot be scheduled outside of the regular school day.
Parent/guardians should inform the main office by 9:00 am on the day of the event.
You can have your child bring a written note, email/ClassDojo the teachers, or call the main office.
The notification should include the time of pick-up, the name of the adult picking the child(ren) up, and the reason for early dismissal.
In the case of an emergency, parents/guardians should call the main office at 718-831-4021.
No student will be dismissed early after 2:00pm
Dismissal procedures begin at 2:10
3K and Pre-K students will be dismissed through the Main Entrance
Kindergarten through Grade 5 students will be dismissed in the Big Yard
In order to ensure safety at dismissal, please stand in the parent designated area behind the blue line and do not remove your child from their class line before they reach their designated dismissal spot.
IMPORTANT: Please make sure that you list anyone who has authorization to pick up your child on his/her Emergency Card. Please keep in mind that your child will not be released to anyone whom is not listed on his/her Emergency Card. If someone other than the person on their emergency form is picking up your child, please send in a note and/or email with your child on that morning with the name of the person picking up your child. Also, please make sure that the person picking up your child has identification. If an older sibling will be responsible for picking up a younger child, please inform the school in writing. Please provide the school with the name of the sibling and the parent’s/guardian’s phone number. No exceptions will be made.
Inclement Weather Dismissal
*A notification of "Inclement Weather Dismissal Procedure" will be sent from the school when being utilized*
Front entrance doors will open at approximately 2:10 pm
3K, Pre-K, and Kindergarten students will be dismissed from their own classrooms
Grades 1-5 will be dismissed from the Gymnasium
When picking up a student from the Gymnasium, please enter through the door located by the bench Your child will be sitting with his/her class behind the orange cones. Make sure a staff member sees you taking your child(ren).